La mami, está con mamitis canina (mastitis), y se tuvo que apartar a los cachorros, debido al tratamiento que ello conlleva. Afortunadamente, los cachorros ya comen solos, y cada día que pasa están más grandes, fuertes, sano y muy guapos. Pronto le tocará su primera vacuna.
Link : http://www.facebook.com/events/213003275495207/
and 3 female ones, and we are asking for the suport and participation
of everybody the donationt for this lovely family.
Their mummy is suffering from a teats-inflammation, had to be
separated from the puppies due to the medication, but fortunately they
are already eating by themselves. Every day they are getting bigger,
stronger, healthier and prettier.
Link : http://www.facebook.com/events/213003275495207/

Link : http://www.facebook.com/events/213003275495207/