Este martes, vinieron Esmeralda,Yeray y su familia. Nos han traído comida para nuestros perros, y nos han ayudado a pasearles. Mil gracias a todos vosotros, por toda la ayuda.
This Tuesday, Esmeralda,... Yeray and their family, visited us. They brought food for our dogs, and give them a walk. Thank you, very much for all the help.
This Tuesday, Esmeralda,... Yeray and their family, visited us. They brought food for our dogs, and give them a walk. Thank you, very much for all the help.
Diesen Dienstag kamen Esmeralda, Yeray und familie . Sie brachten uns Futter für unsere Hunde und halfen uns beim Spazierengehen. Tausend Dank, Leute, für all eure Hilfe.
Esmeralda, Yeray och familie har varit här denna tirsdag .Vi har fått mat till våra hundar,och de har hjálpt oss att gå ut med dem.Tusen tack vänner för all hjälp.