Nos ha llegado esta hermosa foto de Marcos con su familia, como verán tiene también a otro compañero algo más grande que él, quien ahora es su compañero de juegos. Mil gracias a su nueva familia por pre...ferir adoptar y darle un hogar y amor a nuestro pequeñito.
We have received this cute picture from Marcos and his family. As you all can see he has another mate. He is a bit bigger than him and now they can play together. Thanks a lot to his new family for choosing to adopt him and for providing him with a new home and for sharing all their love with him.
We have received this cute picture from Marcos and his family. As you all can see he has another mate. He is a bit bigger than him and now they can play together. Thanks a lot to his new family for choosing to adopt him and for providing him with a new home and for sharing all their love with him.
Wir erhielten ein hübsches Foto von Marcos und seiner Familie. Wie ihr seht, hat er noch einen etwas grösseren Kumpel, der ab jetzt sein Spielgefährte ist. An seine Familie tausend Dank, dass sie ihn adoptiert hat und unserem Kleinen ein neues Zuhause und viel Liebe schenkt.
Vi har fått detta underbara foto på Marcos med sin familj,som ni ser har han en lite större kompis,hans nya lekkamrat.Tusen tack till hans nya familj för att de föredrog en adoption och ett hem med kärlek till vår lille vovve.