En las próximas semanas también iremos cortándole el pelo a los que lo necesitan más. Todo esto es posible, gracias a nuestra voluntaria y peluquera canina, Mary.
Si estás interesado en un buen corte de pelo para tu perrito y así además ayudas a la protectora, te animamos a que nos escribas al correo : animalesanahi@hotmail.com

Sunday was the day of changing look. a radical change was necessary because of the heat in the last weeks. The first was Bailey who now looks cool. Afterwards it was Zimba's turn, our lovely old boy, and then our little Sarko's.
In the next weeks we are also going to trim those dogs who most of all need it. But all this is only possible thanks to our volunteer and pet hairdresser, Mary.
If you are interested in a new cut for your dog and want to sponsor our kennel, please don't hesitate to contact us: animalesanahi@hotmail.com
In the next weeks we are also going to trim those dogs who most of all need it. But all this is only possible thanks to our volunteer and pet hairdresser, Mary.
If you are interested in a new cut for your dog and want to sponsor our kennel, please don't hesitate to contact us: animalesanahi@hotmail.com

In den nächsten Wochen werden wir nach und nach alle diejenigen scheren, die es am nötigsten haben. Aber dies ist nur möglich durch die Unterstützung unserer ehrenamtlichen Hundefriseurin, Mary.
Solltest Du an einem neuen Haarschnitt für deinen Hund interessiert sein und dem Tierheim helfen wollen, bitten wir dich, uns eine Email zu schreiben: animalesanahi@hotmail.com